Vi skaber mere menneskelige organisationer

Mindfulde mennesker

Om Potential Project

Vores mission er at skabe mere menneskelige organisationer. Vi hjælper ledere og teams til at forstå deres sind og udfolde deres mentale potentiale. I løbet af de sidste ti år, har vi hjulpet over 350.000 personer hos mere end 500 organisationer med at udvikle nye måder at arbejde og lede på.

Vores løsninger er praktiske og klar til implementering. De leveres af undervisere med årtiers erfaring bag sig.

"We live what we teach" og har alle solid erfaring med mental træning. I vil møde undervisere med mange års erfaring inden for organisations- og ledelsesudvikling, forandringsledelse og rådgivning, som lytter og forstår.  

Potential Project er oprindeligt grundlagt i Danmark af Rasmus Hougaard. Vi leverer i dag globalt i 28 lande på 17 sprog både personligt og online. Vi inspirerer og guider jer mod nye og bedre måder at arbejde og lede på.


Hos Potential Project måler vi vores succes på jeres resultater. Her er et udpluk fra vores seneste samlede undersøgelse.

rapporterede om stor effekt af facilitatoren (deltagerne gav en vurdering på enten "god" eller "meget god")
planlægger at bruge den praksis de har lært
vil anbefale vores programmer
til en kollega
qualiopi logo
Kvalitetscertificering er blevet udstedt i følgende lacatégorie: uddannelsesaktioner

Global tilstedeværelse

28 Lande

150+ facilitatorer

17 sprog

Hong Kong
New Zealand
potentielt projekt med global rækkevidde

Vores ledergruppe

x lukkeikon
Founder and CEO
Rasmus Hougaard

Rasmus Hougaard er stifter og administrerende direktør for Potential Project og forfatter til den banebrydende bog fra Harvard Business Review Press, Compassionate Leadership: How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way. Rasmus blev nomineret af Thinkers 50 som en af de otte vigtigste ledelsestænkere i verden i dag. Han skriver for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company og Fortune. Han er en efterspurgt keynote-taler og lederudvikler, der coacher og støtter C-suite ledere i globale organisationer som IKEA, Accenture, Wal-Mart og Unilever. Rasmus er også medforfatter til den bedst sælgende bog The Mind of the Leader: How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results (Harvard Business Review, 2018).

Rasmus Hougaard
Founder and CEO
Rasmus Hougaard
x lukkeikon
Senior Partner and North America Lead
Jacqueline Carter

Jacqueline Carter er en international partner og leder Potential Project i Nordamerika. Hun har arbejdet på tværs af brancher med topvirksomheder som Cisco, Disney, Accenture, Kimberly-Clark, IKEA og Royal Bank of Canada for at navigere i ledelsesudfordringer og implementere komplekse forandringer i store organisationer med succes. Hun er medforfatter til "The Mind of the Leader", der blev udgivet af Harvard Business Review Press i marts 2018, og til "One Second Ahead - Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness", der blev udgivet af Palgrave Macmillan i november 2016. Hun er en efterspurgt keynote-taler og fakultetsmedlem af Inner MBA. Hun taler også regelmæssigt på store konferencer, herunder ATD og Work Human. Inden hun kom til Potential Project, var Jacqueline leder i Deloitte Consultings praksis for forandringsledelse.

Jacqueline Carter
Senior Partner and North America Lead
Jacqueline Carter
x lukkeikon
Senior Partner and Europe Lead
Rob Stembridge

Rob is a Senior Partner at Potential Project with a purpose dedicated to creating a more human world of work which he believes can be achieved by harnessing the full potential of the mind for individuals, teams and leaders. He works deeply with our largest global clients to help enable their people to realize their potential at work and to transform leadership cultures by developing the underlying qualities that shape these.

Prior to joining Potential Project, Rob spent 21 years at Accenture as a Managing Director working within the Technology sector across multiple industries and geographies. Having experienced the benefits of mind training, he became the global business sponsor for mindfulness across Accenture, implementing the world's largest mind training program across the organization at that time.

He is passionate about combining the commercial and business realities with the need to develop and sustain a truly human world of work.

Rob Stembridge
Senior Partner and Europe Lead
Rob Stembridge
x lukkeikon
Partner and Head of Global Accounts
Marissa Afton

Marissa is a Partner and the head of Global Accounts. She is a driving force behind leadership development and change initiatives at multinational companies. She helps leaders and organizations unlock their potential to create cultural excellence and superior performance, resilience, and innovation. 

A mindfulness practitioner for over 25 years, Marissa is recognized for her breadth of knowledge and deep experience in transforming organizations by transforming the mind. She is a sought-after speaker at leading HR and leadership conferences about the impact of mind training on high-performance cultures, as well as the mental qualities of excellent leaders. She has worked across industries with top companies including Apple, Bloomberg, Cisco, Eli Lilly, Google, and Amgen to amplify employee engagement, organizational commitment, resilient performance, and innovative growth on the individual, team and organizational levels.

Marissa Afton
Partner and Head of Global Accounts
Marissa Afton
x lukkeikon
Direktør for mennesker og netværk
Jenni Elise Toulson

As Director of People and Operations at Potential Project, Jenni is responsible for providing the infrastructure, systems and resourcing to enable the delivery of organizational strategy. Jenni’s understanding of the challenges and dynamics of organizational life comes from her experience in both leadership and program director roles. Prior to joining Potential Project in 2016, she ran her own consultancy company leading large scale transformation programs and mergers, organizational re-structuring and cross organizational collaborations. She has worked across a wide range of business sectors that include government, transport, leisure, public health and human resources. She is passionate about supporting individuals, teams and organisations to open up to the opportunities created during change by developing new behaviors and skills that ensure personal and organizational success.

Jenni Elise Toulson
Direktør for mennesker og netværk
Jenni Elise Toulson
x lukkeikon
Global Marketing Director
Paula Kelley

As Potential Project’s Global Marketing Director, Paula is responsible for brand, content, digital marketing and media. Prior to joining Potential Project in 2019, Paula was the Chief Marketing Officer for Dreyfus at the Bank of New York Mellon and spent 12 years in Citi’s Consumer Bank in senior marketing leadership roles in Engagement Marketing, Omnichannel Marketing, Customer Experience and Product Innovation. Paula is a marketing strategist, experience builder and data-driven digital marketer. Her passion is helping companies to deepen connections with clients through smart marketing, engaging experiences and new solutions. Paula is also a former Partner with Deloitte Consulting where she worked with consumer brand companies to transform their operations.

Paula Kelley
Global Marketing Director
Paula Kelley
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Finance Director
Christel Leonhard

Christel Leonhard is responsible for global financial management with Potential Project. Christel joined Potential Project in 2016. Prior to that, Christel worked in financial risk in corporations and financial institutions. Christel holds a MBA from CBS in Copenhagen. Christel has had a daily mindfulness practice for 10 years.

Christel Leonhard
Finance Director
Christel Leonhard
x lukkeikon
Direktør for adfærdsdata og videnskab
Juan Camilo Salcedo

Som Behavioral Data and Science Director hos Potential Project står Juan i spidsen for integrationen af banebrydende adfærdsvidenskab i alle aspekter af organisationens tilbud. Med sin omfattende baggrund inden for eksperimentel socialpsykologi og erhvervslivet leder han forskningsinitiativer, sikrer præcisionen i konsekvensanalyser og integrerer adfærdsindsigt for at forbedre den organisatoriske effektivitet og kundernes engagement. Før han kom til Potential Project, var Juan regional direktør for LATAM hos BEworks, et konsulentfirma med speciale i adfærdsvidenskab. Han havde også roller hos Havas og arbejdede med uafhængig logistikkonsultation i Kina. Han har en ph.d. i eksperimentel socialpsykologi sammen med en bachelorgrad i virksomhedsledelse. Juan brænder for at frigøre potentialet hos enkeltpersoner og teams ved at anvende adfærdsvidenskab til at fremme samarbejde, innovation og bæredygtig vækst.

Juan Camilo Salcedo
Direktør for adfærdsdata og videnskab
Juan Camilo Salcedo

Vores franske team

Her er nogle af de mennesker, du vil møde i dit samarbejde med Potential Project.

x lukkeikon
Sabine Gourmain
Sabine Gourmain
Sabine Gourmain
x lukkeikon
François Besson
François Besson
François Besson
x lukkeikon
Laurent Bonnier
Laurent Bonnier
Laurent Bonnier
x lukkeikon
Lane Dusserre
Lane Dusserre
Lane Dusserre
x lukkeikon
Fabrice Mézières
Fabrice Mézières
Fabrice Mézières
x lukkeikon
Anne-France Arnoux Saugnac
Anne-France Arnoux Saugnac
Anne-France Arnoux Saugnac
x lukkeikon
Jean Louis Ennesser
Jean Louis Ennesser
Jean Louis Ennesser
Kvalitetscertificering er blevet udstedt i følgende lacatégorie: uddannelsesaktioner