Moses Mohan

Moses Mohan is a Partner and Head of Leadership Solutions at Potential Project. He is the architect of Potential Project’s cutting-edge leadership programs, blending neuroscience, behavioral psychology and contemplative practices to unlock breakthrough performance for leaders from the inside out. He partners with leading organizations such as Accenture, IKEA and Unilever to drive systemic interventions that unleash human potential at scale. A regular contributor on topics at the intersection of ancient wisdom, leadership and transformation at Harvard Business Review and Forbes, he is contributing author to the new book, "Compassionate Leadership: How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way". Prior to joining Potential Project, Moses advised leading financial services at McKinsey and Company and the Government of Singapore on industry transformation and was an ordained Zen Monk.

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Compassionate Leadership

okt. 2021

Klog optimisme

Maj 2021

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apr 2021
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